by Asim Jalis
1. While incremental improvements are the recipe for real
innovations, the world recognizes and rewards breakthroughs. So
create breakthrough incrementally.
2. Idea from Senge: Share information about your innovations.
This creates an open market for innovations. It lets you to take
advantage of the natural competitiveness among potential partners
by making you equally available for collaboration with all of
3. Metrics define systems. Simple example: accounting systems
define how overheads are calculated and which products are
4. Nature measure yes/no. It's a boolean metric. On yes the
neuron fires; on no, it does not. Natural systems do not used
finely calibrated metrics. But they do use metrics. The metrics
are simple yes/no metrics and so some people mistakenly assume
there are no metrics.
5. TDD does not work well in creating a program from scratch.
Begin the program by writing a quick procedural 10 line hack. And
then refactor and refine it in a TDD style.
6. An interesting example of Big Design Upfront: The US
constitution. The founding fathers spend considerable time
hashing it out, instead of just letting the right rules emerge.
And yet the framework is clearly designed for emergence.