
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Wiki Versus Unix Philosophy II

by Asim Jalis

I am not really criticizing wikis or suggesting that they should be avoided. I am trying to think why there are so few things in software that are like Unix command line utilities, which can hook up with each other so easily. And specifically why wikis are not like this. While linking wikis to each other is possible it is not particularly easy, which feels weird. It seems analogous to the problem of object reuse. While it's easy to reuse code within a single code base, it's much harder to do it across code bases. While object-oriented systems fail in this regard, Unix utilities show us a neat way of extreme reuse. Someone pointed out that while there is no single program on Unix that is as complex as Microsoft Word, you can combine them together to do as much as Word and even more. I am specifically thinking of ways of publishing some small utilities on the web. A wiki seems to buy me very little over an HTML file. For example I have to touch the file system directly to upload the binary. Of course, I could add an upload functionality to the wiki. But there is something fundamentally wrong with this approach. It seems to be the opposite of the Unix approach. Instead of making tools that do one thing well, adding an upload functionality to wiki makes the wiki more complex and overloaded. Instead of making things more complicated what if we made them simpler. For example, the wiki is really two different functions. There is the rendering function, and there is the editing function. What if we separated them, so that we had separate Unix-like functions focused on each activity. The rendering function takes a URL to a text file and just renders it. That's all it knows how to do. The editing function takes a URL to a text file or to a binary file and let's you edit it. You can either upload a file or type up its contents. Ward mentioned once when he was talking about the genesis of the wiki that he had separate cgi scripts for each function. He first wrote the rendering cgi script. Later he wrote a separate cgi for editing. Here is a meta-question. Why not write CGI scripts as Unix shell scripts instead of pure Perl or pure Ruby. What is the advantage of putting all these function together? What reuse does it enable? I suspect very little. There are a few perl or python functions which I might reuse several times, and I can always put them in a module. Consider this though. If I create a single edit.cgi script, I can now use it to edit whatever I want. I could edit wiki files with it as well as HTML files with it. Edit.cgi could automatically use CVS for source control. In fact here is another thought: have a single sh.cgi script which executes sh commands. There could be some security issues here. This could be a security nightmare, so it would need to be secured. It could be restricted in some way. It could be restricted to only run in specific sandbox directories. And it could be restricted to only run specific commands such as ls, and cat. Also the edit.cgi script could be restricted in the same way. It too could easily be hijacked to create cgi scripts and then execute them. It could be restricted to only edit html and wiki files. A setup like this could allow neat operations such as global search and replace. It could also create neat unobvious leveraging opportunities. The different scripts might interact with each other to enable new things that we cannot think about right now.